Sunday, May 2, 2010


Week 4: Reading Post: Creating Frameworks of Possibility

As I read this chapter in the Art of Possibility one paragraph nicely represented my belief on leadership.

The "leader of possibility" invigorates the lines of affiliation and compassion from person to person in the face of the tyranny of fear. This leader is a relentless architect of the possibility that human beings can be.

I believe that human potential is endless and that as a leader my role is to help others release their potential. When I teach leadership classes I work hard to create an atmosphere where new leaders can explore and learn about themselves without become their own unique leader. I also discuss their role in developing staff members...remembering that they have the potential to create a working environment where employees grow and thrive.Posted by Coleen


This week's reading hit home on so many fronts. The hardest part to read, and the section I re-read several times was the part about the "Revenge Monster" That is the monster I have struggled with many times over my adult life. Currently I think I am winning. I recognized early in my adult relationships, both at work and at home, that I had a clear choice to make between revenge and relationship. When I planned revenge and looked across time, I could see that there would be inevitable, permanent damage to the relationship. I have taught this concept in leadership development classes as well. Even though I totally get it, I still have to constantly be on the alert for the monster to reappear.


After researching my lit review, I found that many sources in my field had come from a past Educause conference. I am planning to submit my presentation for one of their upcoming events. I hope to be able to meet some of the people who's work I tirelessly scoured!! Wish me luck!


I think the things that are standing between me and my dream position are a fundamental difference in thinking about education and what needs to change to accommodate the 21st century learner. My dream job entails the widespread use of technology and a change in assessment from passive to active learning. This change can only happen if people like us continue to let our voices be heard, and show the public the strides we can make. If I can be a part of this change, then I can say that I would have succeeded.


Dream teaching environment..... As everyone would say, the tech toys would be very prevalent. I would have many sites unblocked, including facebook, youtube, and many blogs. This environment would not be based on test scores, but rather an assessment of knowledge that is useful in todays world. This environment woudl have parent involvement at every step, and students would be held accountable by their caretakers. The building would be unlike the normal schools we see today, but rather a gathering place for students to share knowledge.

Monday, April 26, 2010


Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in, forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day, you shall begin it well and serenely.
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Thanks Ralph, I needed that.....


Great Nova Science Now video podcast. Some really good stuff.

TERRA: The Nature of Our World. Awesome videos of our planet.

Hubblecast HD – A great astronomy podcast, latest news about space, and some amazing shots.

60-Second Science Video from Scientific American. Has some very interesting pieces. They haven’t updated in quite some time, but what they do have is fantastic!!



I think a lot of the technological divide may have something to do with the motivation of the teachers, do they feel responsible enough to learn about their culture as they have to learn about yours everyday. I really hope that more teachers will get off of their butt and adapt to the new generation.

Any business where I have been employed had the same outlook on technology. Train-train-train. Now, was it always the best way to handle a whole new software package, no, but it certainly did help. The web based training that I have had, which is a ton, has been decent, but definitely not engaging. As I left the company, they finally got the point. The last training that I received was very similar to a comic book, and had ways to interact with the characters. Adaption to the audience is the key, we all need to be entertained….


WEEK- 3 – DB1
My first school had just gotten enough mimio boards for the each and every classroom. But noone knew how to use them, and of course they didn’t schedule a trainer for about 3 months after receiving the shipment. The classrooms were not fitted with projectors, though they did manage to buy enough of those to be in every room as well. So I stepped up to design a mounting bracket that was up to fire code, as well as super cheap. Long story short, it took me a few weeks before I had the installation process down to a science. I assembled a rag tag group of 5 other teachers to help me cover all 39 rooms. We did it, and it passed code!! It certainly was a triumph.

Thursday, April 22, 2010


So..... still no time to look into where I can present..... Gotta finish ARP...... GOTTA FINISH ARP!

Monday, April 19, 2010

WEEK 3 - WOW!!!

WOW.... I need a break..... my head is running wayyyyy too fast.....
I need to slow down, take a breath.
Just a few more weeks and it's finally over.
Can't wait until summer..... I actually need the break.....

Back to it!!!

Sunday, April 18, 2010


So I am trying to find a conference to present my paper.... this is a very hard task. I am still looking, but to be honest, I am really trying to focus on finishing my ARP and website. So this has to be my focus, and keep chugging along.


WK 2 Publish Project Part 1 of 3- The search is on

Is this the one? That's what I keep asking myself. I was pretty sure that this conference would be the perfect one to submit my proposal to, but somehow I got cold feet when Joe mentioned, ever so casually, that whatever conference we submitted to, we should be ready to do it, because they would probably accept the proposal. Hmm...I guess this means the conference is definitely outside of my comfort zone! So, as usual when I have to make a decision like this, I am thinking in terms of up-side and down-side to making the presentation at this conference. On the + side ( and this is huge) my partner in crime, Coleen Elmers, said she is willing to co-present with me at this conference. + The date is far enough off that I would have the luxury of time to prepare. + The location is great; I love seeing new places, and I hear SF is a very interesting town. + My presentation would meet the "e-Learning case study" criteria. On the minus side, I would feel more at home among nurses. - Even though I think what we did was really cool, people attending a tech conference are probably way ahead of me on this.
Has anyone been to this conference? I'd love to know what it is like, how the people are, etc.

benwalther said...

I think it would be awesome for you and Coleen to co present at the conference. It would be a great experience for the both of you, and not to mention the exposure. Conventions are always good to network and meet new people, you never know who it may be, and how they can help and influence your path.

WEEK 2 - DB3

Science Friday Podcast by NPR. Always very informative news from around the world with regards to science.

I had to post the TED Talks link, some of the most powerful video/audio talks you can hear in the world. If you haven't had seen any yet, don't wait any longer!!!

A great podcast devoted to sustainable energy and making our lives a little bit greener.

Not that educational, but I love me some Tony Kornheiser and Mike Wilbon.

WEEK 2 - DB 2


As I said in my first discussion board post of the week, my first real emotional encounter with music came in the form of country music. I’m not real sure which song it was, but I do remember that it was sung by Randy Travis. I remember laying in my bed absolutely balling my eyes out because of this song. My father walked in and tried to console me…. he promptly put on One Eyed One Horned Flying Purple People Eater, made me laugh and forget how sad I was, exactly what I needed, and do on a frequent basis.

I have not had to buy the same songs over again, as I was one of the people who took care of their cds and I was able to rip almost all of them onto my computer, now it’s just new fresh tasty jams to get me through!!

WEEK 2 - DB1


I LOVE MUSIC!! I can’t play a lick…. but I love everything about it!! I used to be the guy who had a TON of cds. Now I’m just the guy who has 100 gigs of tunes. I find music to be a lifeline for me, giving me a soundtrack to live by. I love that music can bring out so many emotions and also help you to handle many different situations. My love for music came at an early age…. listening to Randy Travis and crying in my bed around 7 years old. Since then, I’ve crossed all genres and really hold an appreciation for it all.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


A conductor's true power derives from making other people powerful.
That thought took me on a little time travel, back a few years to when I was the Clinical Coordinator for a 40-bed cardiac unit. My job, as I explained it to others, was to "lead from below." I tried to lift up each nurse's knowledge base and confidence. I was a bee, flitting from staff member to staff member, finding out who needed help and who had something to contribute back to the group. Some who perform the same role think of themselves as a marionette. Pulling the strings to make things go smoothly. I thought that was counter-productive.
Before I left, several who had been working in that unit for many years had decided to transfer into the ICU. I thought of that as a huge win
Coleen said...

@ Janice:You are so right the entire concept of empowerment confuses so many. As a leader, the importance of helping your helping your staff to take on leadership roles within their unit is your most important role. I look at so many leaders in our clinical environment that work 14-16 hours a day...that really is unfortunate, because if they took the time to develop all the leaders around them they would be building a highly effective team and get their evenings and weekends back to spend with their family and friends.

benwalther said...

Great thought Janice!! I also agree with Coleen that the leaders around you need to be developed as well. I see this all the time in my science classroom. Certain students bring themselves forward as leaders and will help the other students with hard concepts or problems. I agree Janice that the marionette approach is totally backward, and we see why with your experiences.


Coleen said...

I found this interactive timeline for my action research project. I think it would be very easy to incorporate into your personal and professional life.

benwalther said...

This is soooo cool. I Love the look of the interactive timeline!! I will certainly be useful in life and school. Where did you find this? Would you please forward me the address, Thanks so much!!! AWESOME find!



My school has an excellent mission statement:
provide students with a challenging comprehensive education using real life applications that will prepare them to be active participants in an ever-increasing technological world.

We keep up with technology as much as the district will allow. I have brought the non-linear powerpoint PREZI into the school. My principal absolutely loves it and I look forward to training the other teachers on how to use it. Check it out:



I have had way too many “work arounds” in my first few years teaching. I have had full carts of laptops not working, or not charged, to my computer not functioning. All of these have not discouraged me though. I have found that technology will not always work, and to have a backup plan. I frequently have a student flip slides for me when the presentation pointer doesn’t want to work. I also try to keep a few worksheets on each topic handy just in case. I also use the whiteerase board when ppt’s do not work, it works, but certainly not as engaging.


So apparently spring break wasn't all that kind to me. I was so confused about due dates and where to post stuff, and vcards and blogs and ARP. Luckily I have now found my way, and look forward to finishing my ARP this month.