Monday, April 26, 2010



I think a lot of the technological divide may have something to do with the motivation of the teachers, do they feel responsible enough to learn about their culture as they have to learn about yours everyday. I really hope that more teachers will get off of their butt and adapt to the new generation.

Any business where I have been employed had the same outlook on technology. Train-train-train. Now, was it always the best way to handle a whole new software package, no, but it certainly did help. The web based training that I have had, which is a ton, has been decent, but definitely not engaging. As I left the company, they finally got the point. The last training that I received was very similar to a comic book, and had ways to interact with the characters. Adaption to the audience is the key, we all need to be entertained….

1 comment:

  1. @ Ben
    Adaption tot he audience is the key, we all need to be entertained...
    That is such a good quote! If more teachers were onboard with technology, many more students would be thoroughly engaged. If the point of teaching is to reach students, teachers have to adapt to the students!
